Now, I'm no SolidWorks expert (I have a lot yet to learn about using this program and good design practice), but I'll periodically post some of my design projects to this page for others to use as guides and/or starting points for their own projects. Some parts will be posted along with their corresponding SolidWorks 2006 part files (SLDPRT), some with DXF files, and others with technical drawings in PDF. Please see the notes for each part to find out what's available and why. Additionally, please keep in mind that all files and designs within the OCI archive are intended for non-commercial use only.
DDCT-02: Second Generation Laing DDC Pump Top

Notes: This top was built from the ground up as a completely new part and represents a huge leap forward in design sophistication and [hopefully] performance when compared to the DDCT-01 and DDCT-01s tops. It's important to keep in mind that I have not had the opportunity to prototype and test the DDCT-02 design, so it'll likely need some volute geometry tweaks and inlet diameter tweaks to attain optimal performance. The part is only available as a SolidWorks 2006 file and an AP214 .STEP file for the time being since I haven't made a .DXF or technical drawing version yet.
Files: SW2006 .SLDPRT AP214 .STEP
DDCT-01s: First Generation Laing DDC Pump Top

Notes: This is my original DDCT-01s top (the one that was sold through PTS while I was the owner). Since the top is no longer commercially viable due to its performance having been surpassed by other products, I'm making all files associated with the top available for download. The design is simple enough that it could make a good project for the D.I.Y. home tinkerer, which is why drawings in PDF are also available. Just keep in mind that the drawings are for the original DDCT-01, so you'll need to omit the inlet ring to bring it to "01s" spec. and allow for compatibility with the newer DDC-3.x pumps.
Files: SW2006 .SLDPRT .DXF Drawings in PDF
CX-01: Early CPU Cold Plate Design

Notes: The CX-01 is an early CPU cold plate design that I put together circa 2006 which is loosely based on Stew "Cathar" Forster's old "WhiteWater" design. Since the design would not be commercially viable without a complete reworking of the base plate and mounting adapter, all files associated with the part are available for download.
Files: SW2006 .SLDASM & .SLDPRT Files (bundle of 5 files)
SepTee: Custom 7-Loop Block For Filling & Thermocouples

Notes: The SepTee is a custom part that I designed for an individual who was putting together a cooling system comprised of seven independent loops. The part is meant to consolidate the fill/drain tee lines for each loop and provide an extra port in each loop for the insertion of a threaded fitting with integrated thermocouple. Since this was a one-off job, all files are available for download (including drawings in PDF).
Files: SW2006 .SLDPRT .DXF Drawings in PDF
3/8" BSPP Barbed Fitting

Notes: There was a point in time while I was running PTS that we had a huge problem sourcing o-ring sealed, 3/8" BSPP threaded, 1/2" OD barbed fittings... so, naturally, I designed one. Now, this particular fitting never made it to the prototyping phase due to the high cost of producing them in small quantities (runs of ~1000 units) in California and because another manufacturer of PC cooling parts beat us to the punch. All files associated with this part are available for download (including drawings in PDF).
Files: SW2006 .SLDPRT .DXF Drawings in PDF