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Hey everybody... I know that it has been a while since I posted some actual test results (beyond that little stint with the fan controllers a couple days ago and a few other random things) but I felt like giving a new setup a try in preparation for some other testing that I should be moving onto somewhat soon. Anyway, I'm going to keep this short, so... onetwothree, go!
Equipment and Methodology:
This time around, I'm using an Omega FL-1504A-B flow meter, borrowed from the waterblock test system, to monitor flow (0.628-6.28GPM, +/- 2% full scale accuracy, +/- 0.5% repeatability, graduated every 2% of scale) and a Sper Scientific 840081 manometer, also borrowed from the waterblock test system, hooked up to a computer for dynamic head pressure data logging (-15 to 15PSI, 0.01PSI resolution, +/- 0.3% full scale accuracy, +/- 0.2% repeatability, and combined linearity & hysteresis of +/- 0.2%). The Laing D5-B pump being tested was kept at 12.00V (measured at the pump's power connector) throughout testing with my trusty HP 6264B variable DC PSU.
Now, all of the above equipment is going to be re-integrated into the most recent revision of the setup that I used for this roundup from a while ago--all that goodness together should provide for some interesting waterblock evaluations.
A quick photo of the test setup:

Note: the drain line configuration was changed after this photo was taken to eliminate the siphoning effect which occurred.
Each data point collected represents the mean of three trials, with 30 seconds of pressure data logged and averaged per trial (for a total of 90 samples per final data point). The reason for multiple trials and somewhat excessive data logging was to help mitigate any fluctuations in pump output and issues with the nut on the handlebars (e.g. anthropogenic flowmeter read error).
...and you guys are probably getting bored already... so here's the resulting performance curve with power consumption (yes, I changed from current draw in Amps to power consumption in Watts because people complained last time):

...the chart that the data for the graph was pulled from:

All in all, the Detroit Thermo top resulted in a slight increase in performance within a useful range for water cooling while, at the same time, causing a slight drop in power consumption. Not bad, but I'm still not really convinced that D5 tops, in general, are really worth purchasing based solely on performance. Would anyone happen to have an EK D5 top that I could borrow for a bit?
I think I'm gonna go home now...
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